Long history with Vascular Health Clinics gives Barbara Daugherty a clean bill of health.


Vascular health problems, for the past few months, have been a recurring issue for Barbara Daugherty, a Harrison resident, who thought she would have to live with her numerous complications – until she met Dr. Omar P. Haqqani, Chief of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery at Vascular Health Clinics in Midland, MI.

Barbara first became aware of the complications with her vascular health during the middle of last year, when she found out from her referring physician that her left carotid artery was almost completely plugged with plaque.

Through this condition, Barbara’s risk of developing a stroke vastly increased, with her doctor immediately recommending that she see Dr. Haqqani to undergo an angioplasty to clear her carotid artery.

“It was so weird, I didn’t experience any symptoms at all prior to seeing Dr. Haqqani,” Barbara said. “I wouldn’t have known at all that anything was wrong.”

However, just two weeks after Barbara had her angioplasty, her referring physician discovered a blood clot in her left leg – later revealed to have been the result of atherosclerosis, a condition that causes the arteries to narrow.

For Barbara, this condition was much more noticeable.

“My physician couldn’t get a good pulse when he checked my leg, and I couldn’t move around nearly as easily as I normally could,” Barbara said.

Soon after discovering the clot, Barbara returned to Dr. Haqqani for another procedure to help remove the blood clots, as well as restore blood flow in her left leg – a procedure that also went perfectly.

In Barbara’s experience coming to Vascular Health Clinics over the past few months, she has found incredible success with both Dr. Haqqani and the care she had received.

“Everyone at Vascular Health Clinics has been awesome,” Barbara said. “Before having my surgeries, I was incredibly tired, which is no longer an issue, and my leg isn’t throbbing anymore. I’m able to walk better than ever before.”

One aspect of Dr. Haqqani that Barbara made a point to mention was how well the procedures were explained beforehand that she would have to undergo, feeling well-assured of the high rate of success and low risk of complications.

“I have absolutely no complaints,” Barbara said.

Now that Barbara’s vascular health is under control once again, she has been able to take up past hobbies that were once limited by the blood clotting in her leg, such as spending more time outdoors.

Barbara is no stranger, however, to the enjoyment of lighter activities, such as doing puzzles or reading a great mystery novel.

“I read a lot – primarily works from James Patterson and Stephen King,” Barbara said. “I get a lot of enjoyment out of it.”

Now, thanks to Dr. Haqqani, Barbara will be able to get more enjoyment out of her hobbies than ever before.”


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